Early years and  recreational gymnastics classes for children looking to have Fun and get Active, Healthy and Happy.


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Fun Gymnastics classes for children from Crawling to 7 years.

Helping children grow in confidence, build new skills and learn all the basic fundamentals of movement and gymnastics.

RAW Explore 

Crawling - 2 years

A parent and child semi-structured class with lots of action songs, hand apparatus, parachute play and sensory activities. A wonderful gymnastics set up for your little ones to explore and have fun.


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RAW Wrigglers

18 months - 3 years

A parent and child semi structured class with group activities, action songs, parachute play and sensory activities. Your tumbling tots will have lots of free time to move around the different apparatus activities set up each week, learning through play.


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RAW Rollers

Aged 3 - 4 years.

A fully structured pre-school class where the children are learning to participate independently from their parents/carers. The children will be working on developing their physical skills as well as their mental and emotional skills. Watch your littles grow and flourish in confidence.

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Aged 4 - 7 years

A fully structured recreational gymnastics class. These classes are designed to teach the children all the basic fundamentals of gymnastics movement. We strive on making exercise fun and building life long healthy habits. 

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Creative and Expressive play through gymnastics


Building foundations for happy, healthy children. 


RAW Kids Gymnastics Andover

From £8

Weekly Classes

  • Build Confidence
  • Play and Explore
  • Fun, Positive and Nurturing
  • Develop Movement and Skill
  • Social Interaction

More From RAW 

All the extras from RAW Kids Gymnastics Andover. 

RAW Clothing

Click the Image to get your hands on RAW Clothing and get ready to roll. 

Birthday Parties

Let the fun continue with RAW birthday parties.

RAW Rewards

Receive your RAW reward at your next class.

Explore gymnastics through play in our live weekly classes

Fun Interaction

Develop learning and interaction with others through semi structured play, songs and parachute play.

Independent Play

Explore and play on the apparatus and attempt specific movements and tasks set in the circuit.

Skills and Sequences

Work on circuit stations around the gym to develop movement, skills and sequences.

RAW Kids Gymnastics classes in Andover


are designed to enhance children's development both physically, mentally and emotionally while having fun!


Let's get Social!

Ready to RAW?

Want to know more? Drop us an email at [email protected]

RAW Kids Gymnastics


Contact Us


AFS CrossFit

1 Towergate Ind Est,
SP10 3BB

07810 338273

[email protected]